Charity 2019

19th January 2019

It is the time of the year where we gather our families and friends together to give back to the community. This year, we conducted our CNY charity event at the Geylang East Home for the Aged where we planned out a series of activities to engage the elderly and celebrate the upcoming CNY together.

On the day of the event, we met up in the early morning to pack our goodies bags before our guest arrival. Each goodies bag consists of some daily necessities and CNY cookies.

After the goodies bags are lined up all accounted for, they are ready to be dispatched!

A group photo of all the volunteers before we split up into groups for our assigned activities.


At the HOME:

We started our indoor event with a quick introduction of the programs that we have lined up before welcoming the entrance of our God of Wealth mascot.


It was really great to see everyone’s face lit up with the entrance of our very own God of Wealth mascot who greeted each elderly with a hug and red packet. Following which, we did some simple stretching together before we proceed to split up the group for games or art & craft.

While a group of elderly participates in handicraft making, another group of elderly were engaged in mini games.


At the nearby BLOCKS:


On top of the activities arranged at the Home, we made sure to reach out to the less privileged households around the vicinity as we celebrate the joyous occasion. Through goodies bag distributions, our volunteers delivered a total of 150 hand-packed goodies bag in hope that everyone will get to have a year of abundance ahead.

While we await the arrival of the rest from the different distribution teams to return, some of them who have returned earlier, went to help with some gardening for the Home.


Once all of us has gathered at the home, it was nearing the end of the event. We arranged for the elderly to have lunch together, and the cheque with our donations is presented to the PIC of the Home.

All in all, it was a tiring yet fruitful day for all our volunteers and we sincerely hope our group of volunteers will continue to grow in the coming years!