Charity 2021

31 January 2021

Due to the COVID-19 measures in place, our charity event this year was focused much on the delivery and distribution of goodie bags to the less privileged households living in rental flat while reducing as much contact and close distance interaction as possible. We managed to partner up with Beyond Social Service with this distribution drive.

PACKING DAY (1 day before event)

The arrival of our goodies for the distribution tomorrow from different vendors. All of these are kindly sponsored and purchased using the donation we received. Once again, we appreciate and would like to express our thanks our volunteers and donors for all their support and kind donation.
And thus, begin the hours of packing and sorting of goodie bags into different locations. After which, these goodie bags are picked up by some of our kind volunteers who have kindly agreed to help us deliver the goodie bags to their respective locations when they join us tomorrow.


Last round of checking and location survey before our volunteers begin to arrive. To adhere to the ongoing measures, all our volunteers submitted a health declaration form and have their temperature measured on the spot before we begin our distributions.
Some group photos of the team in different locations before we are off to distribute the goodie bags. To minimize contact and interaction, these groups are further split into groups/pairs who are in charge of the delivery to limited nos. of unit only.
After receiving instructions and breaking into smaller group, off we go!

Unfortunately this year, we are unable to gather and thanks all the volunteers for their effort at the end of the event. However, our hearts are filled and we are always grateful for all the support we receive from our volunteers and donors in our annual charity event. See you all in Charity 2022 and in the mean time, we hope everyone stay safe and have a blessed year ahead.